Trend Analysis
Trend analysis, both linear and quadratic, was conducted to observe America's levels of happiness over the years. Further, levels of sentiment for suicide in the event of bankruptcy were also observed in gendered subgroups for further insight.
I wanted to explore America’s general levels of happiness throughout the years. From 1972 to 2012, participants were asked the specific question, “Taken all together, how would you say things are these days–would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?” to which the answers would be (1) Very Happy, (2) Pretty Happy and (3) Not Too Happy.
Then, I looked at the subgroup variation, in terms of suicide in the event of bankruptcy (‘Yes’ and ‘No’), for the specific question, “Do you think a person has the right to end his or her own life if this person has gone bankrupt?” The subgroups were observed separately as per the lab report attachment with both linear and quadratic fitted trends.